Sustainability reports

As a portfolio holder of local shopping properties, Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG has been on a strong growth course since the start of operations in 2014, which is why the increased size of the Company results in an increasing responsibility for ecological and social aspects, which we are happy to assume. Furthermore, as a listed public limited company, we are of course committed to impeccable corporate governance from the very beginning. In this respect, we are committed to sustainable corporate governance and present this in detail in our annual sustainability report.

The sustainability report is based on the recommendations of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), which are recognised publication standards for European listed real estate companies.

The sustainability reports of the Company are available for download here:

Sustainability report for the calendar year 2022

Sustainability report for the calendar year 2021

Sustainability report for the calendar year 2020

Sustainability report for the calendar year 2019

ESG Objectives

ESG Objectives


DKR Policies

Energy Policy

Environmental Policy

Code of Conduct for Employees

Code of Conduct for Stakeholders

Occupational Health and Safety Policy